1. Mason turned 13 on June 29th, yes I officially have a teen. YIKES! We went to Fiesta Texas and rode all the roller coasters to celebrate. The teenage attitude shows an appearance more than I would like. It is a wonder I can function on a daily basis with how much I really don't know. It is a good thing I have Mason around to let me know everything.
2. Brad turned 46. I can't believe I am married to someone that is 46. He has a new love, his mustang. He has also started teaching a class two nights a week with his union through HCC.
3. Baseball ended for Tanner. No more Combat. Tanner hit his first real over the fence homerun! He ended up hitting two during games and several at practice. This picture shows his second one coming off the bat.
4. School started. I have an 8th grader and a 6th grader. I began my 20th year of teaching. I still really love it.

6. Basketball season has started for Mason. He made the 8th grade team and they have their first scrimmage tomorrow.
7. Kyle came home and lived with us for a couple of months, during his break from school. He turned 22. Nothing much has changed there. He still has no job, no car, and no money. He might be joining the Air Force. Which makes Brad very excited.
8. Tanner joined a new baseball team. Hopefully, no more "Daddy ball". This is with a paid coach. They have their first practice today. We took the fall off and he is ready to begin playing again.
9. I went to my first and hopefully my last baby funeral. My school secretary lost her sweet grandbaby to SIDS. This was one of the worst experiences in my life. I can't wrap my head around how someone can survive losing a child.
10. Tanner is thriving in Jr. High. He was my "Tanner the Terror" when he was under 5. I was so worried he wouldn't do well in school. He struggled a bit in first grade, then was diagnosed ADHD. He did fine in elementary school, but it looks like Jr. High is his place. He is taking all pre-AP classes, except math and he has made all A's and one B the last two six weeks. His confidence in himself is really growing. He even got nominated from one of his teacher's to be a KJH star. On another note, he has lost two pencil bags and a few other things. Staying organized is not his strength. I told him I was going to velcro his clothes and his supplies and just stick everything to him each day.
11. Tanner began confirmation at church. It is exciting to see him grow in his faith. He asked to be baptized in February. He has a very sweet spiritual side. He went on a church retreat a couple of weeks ago. This was his first time to go away for an entire weekend. I really missed him and had trouble sleeping that weekend. I think he had fun, but he said the food was bad and he had trouble sleeping too.
The next couple of months will be busy. We have the following things coming up.
1. Thanksgiving at my moms. This will be our first holiday without Cole. I pray my mom does okay. Hopefully with all of us there, she will be too busy to dwell on it.
2. I turn 42. I am sure Brad is thinking the same thing about me. When did his wife turn old? At least I am not going to be a grandma anytime soon. My sister's 19 year old will be a father in about a month. After the initial shock, Susan is excited. I just can't get over her being a grandma. It makes me laugh. I am excited to meet baby Elizabeth Grace.
3. Christmas
4. Sports - Basketball with both boys. Baseball for Tanner, and Mason is looking for a baseball team to join.
All in all our life is surely not boring. We have been blessed and I pray we continue to be.