Today is the first Saturday since January that we have not had anything to do. Basketball season ended this week. This was a horrible season for Mason. His black socks continued to bring them bad luck. They did not win one game. They usually got beaten by at least 15 points. I am hoping Mason learned something from this. When we signed up to play ball you have to decide whether you want to play in the regular league or be drafted. If you want to go the drafted route you go to a try out and hopefully you get picked by a coach to be on a little more competitive team. If you don't make it at try outs then you get put back in the regular league and they are supposed to form the remaining teams into neighborhood school teams. We have never done the draft in the past because with two kids playing I always wanted them to play in the neighborhood schools so we wouldn't have to drive across town to practices. This year Mason told me he wanted to do the draft because it was his last year to play and it would help him prepare for Jr. High basketball. I thought that was a very mature decision and agreed. The day of try outs I told Mason it was time to go and he said he had changed his mind. He thought if he went to tryouts he would be on a team and possibly be on the B team and if he did the regular league he would be A team point guard and be the best on the team. He doesn't have a problem with self esteem. LOL That is what we did and guess what? He was point guard and the best on the team. The problem was the other kids didn't know what they were doing and you can't play basketball with one player. Mason would get so mad and I tell me those kids shouldn't even be playing. I tried to explain to him that those kids were in the right place. He was the one that chose to take the easy way and was in the wrong place. I also tried to tell him that in order to get better at something you need to push yourself and do something that is challenging. I am hoping he learned that.
On another note, Mason was the only kid that wore the high black socks the entire season. I took the boys to a high school game one night and when we walked in Mason said, "Look Mom!" and pointed to the players. Every one of them had the same socks on as Mason. I guess he does know what he is talking about.
Tanner's team didn't do very well either. They won 2 games, but they were at least pretty close. He and another kid on the team pretty much took charge. Tanner would bring the ball down pass it or shoot it and somehow get back to the other end of the court before anyone else. He is so fast.
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