I can't believe Mason is 12. I can't believe he is growing up so fast. He is still passionate about sports. He loves playing baseball, football, and basketball. He wants to be a professional athlete when he grows up. I think he would be a great sports broadcaster if going pro doesn't work out for him. He knows every athlete and stats on teams and players. He is always asking me questions about players and can't believe I don't know the answers to his questions. He isn't in to girls yet. Many of his friends are already "going out" with girls. Mason doesn't seem interested, thank God.
We went and saw Toy Story 3 a couple of weeks ago. It made me cry. It brought back so many memories of Mason when he was three and loved Toy Story. He wanted me to call him Woody and insisted on wearing cowboy boots everywhere. He loved his little Woody dolls and played with them all the time. Seems like it was yesterday.
I let Mason invite a couple of friends to the movies and to lunch. I think he had a good time. They got in the hurricane wind machine, ate candy, pizza, and laughed at the movie. It was a good day.