We decided on getting the clear brackets. It cost a little more, but you can hardly see that he has braces. He did really well getting them on and pretty good the first day. The second day, if he could cuss, he would have. He was telling me all dentist should be shot. He doesn't need braces. This is stupid and so on....... Since then he has gotten used to them and is doing much better. I think they make him look a little more grown up. A couple of days after he got them he was batting and got hit in the face with a baseball. He hit the ball and it hit the plate and bounced up and hit him. I immediately said, "Oh no, not his teeth." Luckily it missed his mouth and hit his cheek bone. You could see the stitch marks. Hopefully, he won't be like my brother and get his teeth knocked out after spending all this money to make them look good.
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