I painted my bathroom yesterday. I think it looks so nice. It took me 8 hours. Brad started to help but only lasted about 30 minutes, before he started complaining.
Monday, December 29, 2008
I painted my bathroom yesterday. I think it looks so nice. It took me 8 hours. Brad started to help but only lasted about 30 minutes, before he started complaining.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Kyle's mission
Well Kyle is going to Santiago, Chile. He leaves for Utah on March 11th. He received a big packet of information telling him all the things he needs to do to get ready to go, like getting his Visa, shots, etc..... When we got to Kyle's place he invited us in. We finally met the family he lives with. They seem really nice. I just kept wondering if they think we are heathens. When he opened the envelope and started reading the letter, he seemed like he was going to cry. I am glad he is so emotional about it. He seemed really excited. I hope he stays on top of everything he needs to do. We took him to Chili's to celebrate.
I spent yesterday with my mom and sister shopping. I am really not much of a shopper. I like to go into a store, survey, and if nothing pops out at me I leave. On the other hand, my sister, likes to browse around, touch, and look at everything. Don't get me wrong, I had a good time. It was fun. It reminded me of when we were little. My mom and sister looking at everything and me just kind of hanging around waiting on them. My niece was with us. I think she is turning into a shopper like her mom. We left the boys home with Brad. They all survived. A cold front blew in while we were gone. As we were driving up to the house this kid ran by in shorts and without shoes on. Guess who's kid it was? Mine. When I got in the house, I asked Brad why he was letting our kids run around at night half naked. He said, "They are just playing." They were playing hide and go seek. Which would of been okay if they had been dressed appropriately. I guess we are the official white trash of the neighborhood.
I just checked the mail and there is a big envelope addressed to Kyle from the Mormon church. We called him and he said it was his call about his mission. I asked him if he wanted us to open it. He said no and asked if Brad could bring it to him and be there when he opens it. Brad is getting dressed and is about to leave. I wonder where they are sending him. It is about time. Now Kyle can get his life off hold and get this done, so he can begin doing what he needs to do to get a career.
I just checked the mail and there is a big envelope addressed to Kyle from the Mormon church. We called him and he said it was his call about his mission. I asked him if he wanted us to open it. He said no and asked if Brad could bring it to him and be there when he opens it. Brad is getting dressed and is about to leave. I wonder where they are sending him. It is about time. Now Kyle can get his life off hold and get this done, so he can begin doing what he needs to do to get a career.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
We survived anther Christmas. To be a kid again...... When you are a kid it is all about the gifts and fun. When you are an adult it is all about the buying, cooking, cleaning, planning, etc........
Maybe I should rephrase that, to be a man or a kid. Men don't have a lot to do around Christmas either, except enjoy the cooking and if we are lucky clean up after the meal. I sound like bah hum bug. I really do enjoy the holiday and it is worth all the work.
My favorite part is Christmas Eve service. I love the music and the candles. It is finally a time to take a deep breath and get a chance to think about the true meaning of Christmas. The kids are on their best behavior because they know when they get home they get to open gifts. What ever works, right?
Kyle actually spent the holiday with us. This was the first time he has been back since he left in October. He isn't a dummy. He knew when to come home. He brought us all a gift, which was very nice.
Tomorrow my mom, sister, and her kids are coming for Christmas. I will be cooking and cleaning again. I don't mind cooking for them, they actually like what I cook. Unlike my kids. I am sure we will be going shopping at one time or another tomorrow. The boys have gift cards that are burning a hole in their pockets. Hopefully it won't be too crazy.
We went to see the new movie with Tom Cruise today. This is the first time all 5 of us went to the movies together. It was a very interesting movie. Not really a light and fun movie for the holiday. When you live in a house with all males, you get overruled pretty easy.
Maybe I should rephrase that, to be a man or a kid. Men don't have a lot to do around Christmas either, except enjoy the cooking and if we are lucky clean up after the meal. I sound like bah hum bug. I really do enjoy the holiday and it is worth all the work.
My favorite part is Christmas Eve service. I love the music and the candles. It is finally a time to take a deep breath and get a chance to think about the true meaning of Christmas. The kids are on their best behavior because they know when they get home they get to open gifts. What ever works, right?
Kyle actually spent the holiday with us. This was the first time he has been back since he left in October. He isn't a dummy. He knew when to come home. He brought us all a gift, which was very nice.
Tomorrow my mom, sister, and her kids are coming for Christmas. I will be cooking and cleaning again. I don't mind cooking for them, they actually like what I cook. Unlike my kids. I am sure we will be going shopping at one time or another tomorrow. The boys have gift cards that are burning a hole in their pockets. Hopefully it won't be too crazy.
We went to see the new movie with Tom Cruise today. This is the first time all 5 of us went to the movies together. It was a very interesting movie. Not really a light and fun movie for the holiday. When you live in a house with all males, you get overruled pretty easy.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday night was Brad's Christmas Party. There are only 5 employees, so it would be quite noticeable if we didn't show up. We all met for dinner at a restaurant. This was the first time in over a year Brad and I actually went out without kids. We had a nice time. The boys spent the night with a friend, so we even had the house to ourselves for one whole night. I don't think we have ever been home alone.
This our first weekend in a while were the boys didn't have any sports. So, what did we do? We went and watched the Katy Tigers win state. It was really exciting. When you looked around all you saw was a sea of red.
Sunday I spent the day shopping and cleaning. Nothing too exciting. Today I took the boys to the mall. I gave them money and told them they had to buy a gift for both their brothers. I was trying to teach them Christmas is about giving, not just getting. Of course they both asked if they didn't spend it all could they have the remaining money. You see why I am trying to teach them this. They are a little on the spoiled, give me, give me, side. I think they had fun buying for their brothers. I think Tanner did a little better job and really thought about his gifts. I enjoyed watching them look at things and budget the money and what they thought their brother's would like.
I finally took the boys to take their pictures for our Christmas card. It will be a little late, but oh well. Mason is really starting to care what he looks like. For the longest time he has wanted to brush his bangs straight down. I never really liked it. The past couple of days he has been spiking it up a little in the front. He is putting on deodorant and Axe body spray. He is really growing up and becoming so handsome.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Too much going on...
I haven't blogged in a long time. We have had a ton going on. Tanner finished up his baseball tournaments, but his football coach decided to select some kids from his team and several other teams in our league and play in two tournaments. Their first tournament is this weekend. This means he has been practicing 3 times a week. We originally decided not to do this and I wish we had stuck to that initial decision, but Tanner really wanted to. Basketball has started. He practices two times a week for that. They don't start games until January.
Mason started basketball too. His baseball team is playing in two tournaments this month. They played last weekend at Doss Park. This is not in a very good part of town. In fact they had a shooting at the basketball courts located between the baseball fields a couple of weeks ago. We played two games Friday night. A couple of parents and I decided not to bring our younger kids because it was cold and we didn't want to have to worry about them getting shot. We are just good parents like that. LOL. We hired a babysitter and left them all at one house. The boys did very well. We lost against one of the teams from that area. One of the kids hit a homerun over the center field fence. He was a cocky little guy. After he hit the homerun Mason yelled over to me. "Hey mom, did you notice the bat he was using." It is an exo bat. These bats run about $250. I haven't felt the need to spend that much on a bat yet.
This weekend Mason has a baseball tournament at Baseball USA. Tanner has a football tournament. Brad is working all weekend. It will be another crazy weekend.
Mason started basketball too. His baseball team is playing in two tournaments this month. They played last weekend at Doss Park. This is not in a very good part of town. In fact they had a shooting at the basketball courts located between the baseball fields a couple of weeks ago. We played two games Friday night. A couple of parents and I decided not to bring our younger kids because it was cold and we didn't want to have to worry about them getting shot. We are just good parents like that. LOL. We hired a babysitter and left them all at one house. The boys did very well. We lost against one of the teams from that area. One of the kids hit a homerun over the center field fence. He was a cocky little guy. After he hit the homerun Mason yelled over to me. "Hey mom, did you notice the bat he was using." It is an exo bat. These bats run about $250. I haven't felt the need to spend that much on a bat yet.
This weekend Mason has a baseball tournament at Baseball USA. Tanner has a football tournament. Brad is working all weekend. It will be another crazy weekend.
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