Friday night was Brad's Christmas Party. There are only 5 employees, so it would be quite noticeable if we didn't show up. We all met for dinner at a restaurant. This was the first time in over a year Brad and I actually went out without kids. We had a nice time. The boys spent the night with a friend, so we even had the house to ourselves for one whole night. I don't think we have ever been home alone.
This our first weekend in a while were the boys didn't have any sports. So, what did we do? We went and watched the Katy Tigers win state. It was really exciting. When you looked around all you saw was a sea of red.
Sunday I spent the day shopping and cleaning. Nothing too exciting. Today I took the boys to the mall. I gave them money and told them they had to buy a gift for both their brothers. I was trying to teach them Christmas is about giving, not just getting. Of course they both asked if they didn't spend it all could they have the remaining money. You see why I am trying to teach them this. They are a little on the spoiled, give me, give me, side. I think they had fun buying for their brothers. I think Tanner did a little better job and really thought about his gifts. I enjoyed watching them look at things and budget the money and what they thought their brother's would like.
I finally took the boys to take their pictures for our Christmas card. It will be a little late, but oh well. Mason is really starting to care what he looks like. For the longest time he has wanted to brush his bangs straight down. I never really liked it. The past couple of days he has been spiking it up a little in the front. He is putting on deodorant and Axe body spray. He is really growing up and becoming so handsome.
Wow! They look so handsome!
Looks good.You can also try axe body spray samples
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