Basketball season ended last week. Mason's team didn't end
up placing in the season or the tournament. Tanner's team
ended up with first in the tournament. In their first tournament
game they came back from being down 12 points at the half.
They were so excited.
I thought with basketball season over things would slow down. Unfortunately, I had two late days at school and Mason got sick. He had some stomach bug. I win the Mother of the Year award. When he got up Wednesday morning he told me his stomach hurt and was laying around moaning. I guess I should have taken this as a clue. I kept encouraging him to go to school and kept reminding him we only had 3 more days to go. I dropped the boys off at school at 7:30 and my phone rang at 8:30. It was the nurse telling me Mason had been throwing up.
This weekend both Mason and Tanner were suppose to have baseball tournaments. Mason's was in College Station. It got cancelled because of the wet and cold weather. Tanner is playing at Big League Dreams. This is the stadium were they have the famous MLB parks like Yankee stadium. The fields are turf, so they don't cancel games. We had to be in League City at 7:00 this morning. I am hoping we don't have to be there too early tomorrow. We won one and lost one. I am waiting for them to post the rest of the results, so we know what time we play. Pray for at least 10:00. And while you are at it, pray for it to be dry and warm. Today was miserable. I don't think the temperature got out of the low 40's and it rained all of our second game.
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