We have been to two birthday parties since school has been out. Sunday a kid on Mason's team had a swim party. At that party Tanner got jumped on and had a horrible bloody nose. Once I got the bleeding to stop and got him cleaned up he said his tooth felt funny. I looked in his mouth and noticed his bottom front tooth was chipped. I saw money signs. I already had a dental appointment for him, because he had a small filling come out and I wanted that checked out. We went to the dentist on Tuesday and I was really worried about the cost. Every time I go to the dentist it cost me a butt load of money. We saw the dentist and he said he didn't want to do anything with the small cavities because they are on baby teeth and will be coming out soon. The chipped tooth will be fine. He doesn't want to do anything with it either. He said when he gets older and can take care of it we will take care of it. Did I mention how much I love my dentist!!!!!!!!? I left there paying $5.
The second party was at Memorial City mall. Before the party started the boys and I went and did a little shopping. Mason said he wanted some plaid shorts. This took me by surprise because I have tried to get him to get some for over a year and he refused. He picked himself out some new clothes and insisted on changing before the party. He has basically lived in athletic shorts, under armour, and t-shirts for the last couple of years. I guess he is growing up. I asked Tanner if he wanted some plaid shorts and he said no. Guess what he picked out, athletic shorts and shirts to match. I am just happy Tanner will wear t-shirts now. He went a year wearing nothing but under armour. I guess I will just be happy with the small amount of progress.
The party was at the ice skating rink. The kids played broom ball. They had these sticks and basically played a game like hocky. They made them wear baseball helmets. As I watched them playing I thought to myself, someone is going to get hurt. Well, someone did, but it wasn't my kids for a change. One of Mason's team mates got hit by a stick in the mouth and chipped his front top tooth. It doesn't look bad, but it really upset him. Then the birthday boy got hit in the eye. I am not real sure why they would make the kids wear helmets without face masks. The kids were swinging those sticks around. I am surprised their weren't more injuries.
See Mason with his cute plaid shorts.
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