We just got back from out trip to my mom's. Every year my mom gets the boys Schlitterbahn tickets for their birthdays. So we decided to make a little mini vacation out of it. We stayed at mom's house. She lives about 25 minutes from New Braunsfels. They are in Colorado at their cabin, so we had her house to ourselves. We went up Wednesday morning and stopped in San Marcos. Brad has a canoe he has really been anxious to use. We took our first trip down the San Marcos river. When we got in the canoe was rocking back and forth and I just knew we were all going to get dumped in. I wish we could have had a picture taken of us. It was me in the front, the boys in the middle holding Penny, and Brad in the back. I think I have been twice in my life. Once was at summer camp. It wasn't very successful. We just kept going in circles. I went with my brother once about 20 years ago and we did pretty well. Needless to say, I forgot how to paddle. Brad kept telling me to paddle right. I eventually figured it out. It turned out to be pretty fun. We stopped when we came to some rapids and let the boys swim and play in the water.
That night we went to Gruene for dinner at the Gristmill. We love to go there. The next day we drove into New Braunsfels to eat lunch. We stopped in at this little cafe/antique store. I found a church pew I have been looking for, for my entry way. I was so excited! Then we went and did the tube shoot and floated the river. It was really fun. We met my brother in San Antonio for dinner. It was nice seeing him again.
We went to Schlitterbahn on the 4th. It is the first time Brad has been able to go with us. We had so much fun. We stayed there the whole day. The only thing we were sad about was we didn't get to see any fireworks this year. By the time we got back to mom's we were really tired and I wasn't sure where to go and see any. We got home this afternoon. We hadn't been home 30 minutes and Mason was asking what we were going to do the rest of the day. I guess he expects the 24/7 fun to not stop.
Tomorrow morning I leave for a week long trip to Kansas. I have mixed feelings about this trip. I have never left my family. I know people that are always going away on a little trip with just their husband or away with friends, but I just haven't done it. Well, I take that back. I did go away one weekend about 4 years ago on a retreat with our church and one weekend to my grandmother's funeral. I love spending time with my kids and husband and anytime I go somewhere they are with me. I am looking forward to the week with only adults. It is a work related conference and about 20 of us from work are going. We are planning on doing some fun things in the evenings. Of course Brad is not going to be taking care of the kids by himself. They are going to spend a few days with Mimi and then she will bring them back here for the rest of the time. I am sure they will be really spoiled by the time I get back.
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