Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What to do?

Tonight was the first night in a while that we haven't had anything scheduled after school. Well that nothing else interrupted our evening. It was nice to not have to rush home after work. I usually have about an hour and a half to help with homework and cook dinner. Then we go to some one's practice. Brad usually stays home with the kid that doesn't have a practice so the kids aren't always having to run around every night of the week. He cleans he kitchen. I didn't really know what to do with myself. It was nice.

Today Tuesday folder's came home. I think it is a little strange Mason hasn't brought graded papers home except for spelling tests. He keeps saying 5th grade is easy. Does anyone else think there is something wrong with this picture? I guess we will see next Tuesday when progress reports come home. I wish the online grade book would hurry up and get up and running.

I'm wondering what Ike is going to do? I keep checking the weather, although I don't know why. The meteorologist aren't very accurate, so no matter what they say they will probably be wrong.

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