Thursday, August 20, 2009

here we go

We have been busy lately. Back to the same old grind. Football and baseball practices have started, plus I am back at work. Mason's team had a tournament in League City this past weekend. The team ended up in second place. They did pretty good for their first tournament of the new season with only 2 practices under their belts.

Mason played his first scrimmage football game on Saturday morning, before he played the two baseball games. It is a good thing he has a lot of energy. I was tired just driving him around and watching the games. He did really well and his team looks good.

Tonight was Tiger Safari at the Jr. high. The kids go to the school, get their textbooks, schedules, and learn to do their locker. It was very interesting watching Mason. He walks around acting like he is all that and a cup of tea. Then we get into the classroom to meet his teachers and I can barely get him to say his name. My big concern with Jr. high is the number of teachers he has. Mason is really quiet around his teachers and I fear they won't get to know the "real" Mason in such a short period of time. I guess he will be fine. The locker was our main issue. He had trouble getting it open. We finally figured it out after several attempts. Tanner kept asking to try and that little booger opened it on his first try. We bought him a locker shelf and a magnet pencil holder. We got his locker all set up. I hope he is able to get back into it and get what he needs out of it.

We saw a lot of his friends from baseball, basketball, and football. His locker is right next to one of his basketball team mates. We couldn't find anyone that had many classes with him. His best friend Evan only has one class with him, but they have lunch together. That is all that matters anyway, right?

We went to Tanner's meet the teacher last night. His homeroom teacher was Mason's math teacher when he was in 4th grade. She lives right down the street from us. I was trying to get Tanner to tell her his name and she said, "Oh, I know him." It is a good thing, or else she might still be waiting for him to tell his name. I don't know why my kids are so shy. I wasn't that way at all. I find it hard to believe Brad was that way either.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I guess I am in good kids won't speak to save their lives. You probably already know this though! Why is it they will yell and scream at home but take em out and mums the word? Glad to hear that Mason got aquainted with Jr. High and finally got that locker open!