Monday, November 10, 2008

R.I.P. Abigail

The boys have killed the hamster. Poor Abigail was left with no water. Yesterday Mason called me while I was at Tanner's game to let me know Abigail had died. I told Tanner on the way home. He got really quiet and asked if God thought they had killed her? We had a little discussion about responsibility. He then asked if Abigail was in heaven. When we got home Brad and I made them get her out of the cage. That was an ordeal. We put her in a baggy, dug a hole, and put her in. We said a prayer and asked God to forgive us for not taking better care of her. Mason cried. Then Brad covered her with dirt. It was a very interesting experience. Today is has been raining most of the day. Tanner said, "I sure am glad I am not Abigail." Don't we all!!!


Kathy said...

What an experience for them and you and Brad....

Kelly said...

Abigail is such a cool name for a hamster...