Saturday, November 1, 2008

We're Home

We got a little surprise this morning. When the doctor came in and saw us he was pleased with Mason's labs. Mason had to drink a certain amount of liquid yesterday and he did. The doctor was so pleased he said we could go home. We checked out about 1:00. When we got into the car Mason was very tired. He had me worried, he seemed worse than he did when we were in the hospital. I think it all just hit him at once. When we got home I took Tanner to his football game and Brad stayed home with Mason. I told Mason he had to take a nap or he couldn't watch the UT football game tonight. He has been sleeping a couple of hours now. He has no restrictions and might get to go back to school on Monday. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers. It is reassuring to know we have such nice people in our lives.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Thanks for the update. I'm glad to hear he is doing better & will pray that it continues that way for you. I'm so sorry he had to go through all of that...