Friday, January 30, 2009
positive thoughts
I have been having a difficult time dealing with Mason and his attitude. I am not sure if it is the teenage attitude coming out early or if it is still a reaction to his medicine. A typical conversation with Mason is usually about how he hates this, this sucks, blah, blah, blah...... Things he even likes he can find something wrong with it. This is so different than me. I think I am a pretty positive person. I try to find the good in everything, you know look for the silver lining. I decided I need to do something about this. I began to ask both boys each day to tell me one thing good that happened at school. So far it is usually about recess, lunch, or dismissal, but I guess it is a start. I then began asking them what they did to please God that day. We are still on very basic answers and I often have to give them suggestions on what they could have possibly done to please God. Tonight I forgot to ask the boys and Tanner reminded me. I thought this was a good thing. He said he pleased God by saying thank you and your welcome to his teacher. The good thing for the day is he got to play kickball at recess. I asked Mason and he couldn't remember anything he had done that day to please God. I said, "Mason what do you think that says about you as a person." He said, "I just can't think about everything that happens in one day." He finally came up with he held the door for his class. He is still a work in progress.
Mom has still got it!
Tonight Mason's baseball team had practice. The last half of practice the kids played the parents. The boys batted first. Mason was the first batter. I was playing left field. Mason hit a fly ball to left and I caught it. I think we were both shocked. I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to pee my pants. We ended up beating them 4-3. I even got a hit and scored.
On our way home we passed the Jr. High. Tanner said, "I can't wait to go to Jr. High. You get your own locker." Mason said, "Yeah, but you have to take showers in front of everyone. I'm not going to do it. I'll just spray Axe all over myself." I tried to assure him it would be okay. All kids have to do it and the coach makes you take a shower. He asked,"Do the girls have to too?" I told him yes. He said, "At least we don't have to shower in the same room as the girls, we would see their vagina's," Then he said,"Remember in Kindergarten Cop that little boy said, my dad looks at vaginas all day." He laughed and laughed. I said, "Mason you know why the boy said that right?" I didn't want him thinking the boy's dad was a porn addict or something. He said he didn't know why. I explained to him he was a woman's doctor. Mason said that was gross. I said, "You know a doctor that delivers babies." He said, "That is still gross. I mean I wouldn't want to stick my hand up some ladies vagina. That is worse than touching a frog." That is pretty bad for Mason. He is really scared of frogs. I burst out laughing because I couldn't keep it in any longer. I just keep wondering if he is going to feel the same way in a few years. Then Tanner started laughing and said, "Vayina, vayina." Mason said, "Man you can't even say it right." Thankfully we drove up to McDonald's at this point and our conversation could turn to food. Man they keep life interesting.
On our way home we passed the Jr. High. Tanner said, "I can't wait to go to Jr. High. You get your own locker." Mason said, "Yeah, but you have to take showers in front of everyone. I'm not going to do it. I'll just spray Axe all over myself." I tried to assure him it would be okay. All kids have to do it and the coach makes you take a shower. He asked,"Do the girls have to too?" I told him yes. He said, "At least we don't have to shower in the same room as the girls, we would see their vagina's," Then he said,"Remember in Kindergarten Cop that little boy said, my dad looks at vaginas all day." He laughed and laughed. I said, "Mason you know why the boy said that right?" I didn't want him thinking the boy's dad was a porn addict or something. He said he didn't know why. I explained to him he was a woman's doctor. Mason said that was gross. I said, "You know a doctor that delivers babies." He said, "That is still gross. I mean I wouldn't want to stick my hand up some ladies vagina. That is worse than touching a frog." That is pretty bad for Mason. He is really scared of frogs. I burst out laughing because I couldn't keep it in any longer. I just keep wondering if he is going to feel the same way in a few years. Then Tanner started laughing and said, "Vayina, vayina." Mason said, "Man you can't even say it right." Thankfully we drove up to McDonald's at this point and our conversation could turn to food. Man they keep life interesting.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Daddy in Charge
Thursday night I went with some friends to Girls Night Out at Champion Forest Baptist Church. Kate from John and Kate Plus Eight was one of the speakers. I had a good time. I left right after school and told Brad he was in charge of the kids. I got a call at 9:00 asking me where on the computer I could find Tanner's homework. There's a couple of things wrong with this. 1. Tanner is suppose to do his homework when he gets home from school. 2. The boys bedtime is 8:30. I had no idea what Brad was talking about, so I told him to get Tanner in bed. The next morning as Tanner was brushing his teeth I glanced at his dirty fingernails. I asked him if he had bathed the night before and he said no. I didn't have time for him to take a bath, so I sent him to school dirty and with no homework. He ended up with two marks for no homework. Brad did take notice that he really does not have a clue about the boys and school and it seemed to upset him. I guess I should make him do a little more, so the next time I take a night off it is a little more successful.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Mason continues to amaze me at what comes out of his mouth. Right before Christmas Mason asked me what virginity was. I was a little shocked but tried to explain it with as little detail as possible. He then said, "Oh well, so and so said he lost his virginity and I know it is true because the girl he said he did it with said she lost hers too." WHAT!!!! Why is my 10 year old having conversations about this. It got me really concerned after thinking about it for a while. I am not really sure a boy of 10 could physically do it. After much debate I ended up calling the counselor at his school and she looked into this and it turned out it was just a boy running his mouth.
This brings me to yesterday. Mason informed me a different so and so at his school told him his sister had her period and wanted to know what it was. He said, "So and so said it was when a girl bleeds from her vagina because she is going to have sex." WHAT!!!! We had a little talk about puberty. The crazy think is I love that Mason feels so open about talking over these things with me. I didn't really think it would happen so soon and would have been much more comfortable waiting until he was, lets say..........20. Unfortunately he is growing up way to fast. I think Mason is going to be just fine. The more I think about it, Tanner is the one I need to watch. He doesn't ever ask me anything. He is usually in the room and doesn't comment on Mason's questions. At least I know what Mason is thinking. Tanner on the other hand, who knows. It is the quiet ones that you have to worry about.
This brings me to yesterday. Mason informed me a different so and so at his school told him his sister had her period and wanted to know what it was. He said, "So and so said it was when a girl bleeds from her vagina because she is going to have sex." WHAT!!!! We had a little talk about puberty. The crazy think is I love that Mason feels so open about talking over these things with me. I didn't really think it would happen so soon and would have been much more comfortable waiting until he was, lets say..........20. Unfortunately he is growing up way to fast. I think Mason is going to be just fine. The more I think about it, Tanner is the one I need to watch. He doesn't ever ask me anything. He is usually in the room and doesn't comment on Mason's questions. At least I know what Mason is thinking. Tanner on the other hand, who knows. It is the quiet ones that you have to worry about.
Friday, January 9, 2009
To be a boy
I have often wondered what goes on in the minds of my boys. Tonight Tanner and I went to run some errands together. As we were driving he said, "I need to dig a hole for my whole body to fit in." I asked him why, wondering if he was going to dig his own grave. He said he needs it for when they play war. I told him it would take a long time to dig a hole that big. He said he didn't care he would just use dad's shovels.
He wanted me to take him to Academy so he could buy wrist bands with a $10 gift card he had. He looked and looked at everything in the store and decided he didn't want to get wrist bands. As we were walking to another part of the store away from the wrist bands he said, "That's all right I don't need to look cool to play basketball."
It is really easy to spend mom's money, but when it is your own you think a little bit harder.
He wanted me to take him to Academy so he could buy wrist bands with a $10 gift card he had. He looked and looked at everything in the store and decided he didn't want to get wrist bands. As we were walking to another part of the store away from the wrist bands he said, "That's all right I don't need to look cool to play basketball."
It is really easy to spend mom's money, but when it is your own you think a little bit harder.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Happy 2009

We spent the new year with friends in Bastrop at the Lost Pines Resort. It was really a lot of fun. They had a new years package which included dinner, a carnival for the kids, horse drawn buggy rides, swimming, smores, dance, fireworks, champagne and shiner bock toast, and breakfast. I wish we had a little more time, but it cost way too much to stay for two nights. We all brought our own drinks and just went to our room for refills as needed. We all had a great time.
Today is my last day before going back to work. I sure do enjoy my time off. I spent a lot of time cleaning, cooking, reading, and watching movies. Tomorrow the madness begins again. Both boys are playing basketball and baseball. Their basketball games begin on Saturday. Tanner is suppose to have a baseball thing at U of H on Saturday too. We have decided to skip it. I don't want things to get too crazy yet. I think the boys have had a great break too. They have spent their time playing with their new Christmas things and playing war with friends in the neighborhood.
We had a busy, but good 2008 . For the most part we all stayed healthy. Even Mason didn't do too bad. Even with his sicknesses there is hope that he has outgrown his kidney problem. Maybe this year will be the year we can get him off all these nasty medicines. I can only hope 2009 is a great year.
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