Mason continues to amaze me at what comes out of his mouth. Right before Christmas Mason asked me what virginity was. I was a little shocked but tried to explain it with as little detail as possible. He then said, "Oh well, so and so said he lost his virginity and I know it is true because the girl he said he did it with said she lost hers too." WHAT!!!! Why is my 10 year old having conversations about this. It got me really concerned after thinking about it for a while. I am not really sure a boy of 10 could physically do it. After much debate I ended up calling the counselor at his school and she looked into this and it turned out it was just a boy running his mouth.
This brings me to yesterday. Mason informed me a different so and so at his school told him his sister had her period and wanted to know what it was. He said, "So and so said it was when a girl bleeds from her vagina because she is going to have sex." WHAT!!!! We had a little talk about puberty. The crazy think is I love that Mason feels so open about talking over these things with me. I didn't really think it would happen so soon and would have been much more comfortable waiting until he was, lets say..........20. Unfortunately he is growing up way to fast. I think Mason is going to be just fine. The more I think about it, Tanner is the one I need to watch. He doesn't ever ask me anything. He is usually in the room and doesn't comment on Mason's questions. At least I know what Mason is thinking. Tanner on the other hand, who knows. It is the quiet ones that you have to worry about.
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