Friday, January 9, 2009

To be a boy

I have often wondered what goes on in the minds of my boys. Tonight Tanner and I went to run some errands together. As we were driving he said, "I need to dig a hole for my whole body to fit in." I asked him why, wondering if he was going to dig his own grave. He said he needs it for when they play war. I told him it would take a long time to dig a hole that big. He said he didn't care he would just use dad's shovels.

He wanted me to take him to Academy so he could buy wrist bands with a $10 gift card he had. He looked and looked at everything in the store and decided he didn't want to get wrist bands. As we were walking to another part of the store away from the wrist bands he said, "That's all right I don't need to look cool to play basketball."

It is really easy to spend mom's money, but when it is your own you think a little bit harder.

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