Friday, August 1, 2008


I think most people would say I am a pretty calm and patient person. It really takes a lot to get to me. Well, I have finally reached my breaking point. Why, you may wonder.......Kyle. I have always given Kyle the benefit of the doubt and on many occasions calmed Brad down and been Kyle's advocate. For 14 years I have tried really hard. Mostly because I am a stepchild and I have had my issues with my step dad from time to time. I am done! He has finally pushed me over the edge. It is all just little things, but all the little things have added up. I am tired of having to hound him to get anything done. He lives like a pig. Since he has been here he has lost his drivers license, washed a paycheck, lost his wallet more than once, lost a paycheck, left the keys on the trunk of the car, etc........ He never washes his clothes and leaves them laying all over his room. Then he has some stupid excuse or lie as to why such and such happened, and it is never his fault. The bottom line is I told him he had to wash all his clothes and put them up today. Oh, the horror! He of course half ass did the job and then acts stupid when I call him on it. He has posted to all his friends that I am an evil stepmother, he hates his family, and not everyone can be saved. I guess he is implying I am going to hell. Well, my dear friends and family, I guess I will see all of you in hell. If the entry to heaven means being a liar, a slob, and a Mormon, then none of us will gain entry. I have prayed over and over for God to give me the patience I need to handle this, but it only seems to get worse. I guess in the grand scheme of things this is minor it is just really annoying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He really is so lucky to have you. Keep praying and i will too.