We have been very busy with the boys sports lately. Even though things are hectic with them both playing baseball and football right now, nothing gives me more joy than seeing them excel in their activities. I wish Brad would feel the same way. He looks at their activities as a burden. He complains that it takes up so much time. I look at it as a time in our lives that will be over before you know it and when it is over we will miss it. Just like the late nights when they were babies and having to get up with them over and over this to will end. They are growing up so fast.
A little Kyle update........
Last night Brad and I talked to him and told him he needed to have a job by the end of the week. He turned 19 July 21st. When he came to live with us he said he would be leaving on his mission in August, after he turned 19. Well, it is October. Every week we ask him what is up and he tells us he will know in 2 weeks. We have been hearing this two week thing since July. He stopped working in August. He has visited some family, but has spent a lot of his time upstairs on the computer. Brad said to him last night that the Mormon church is putting his life on hold. He is in limbo waiting for them to tell him where he is going. He got upset by this because he thinks we are against his religion. We aren't against it, we just don't really understand it. He told us last night he was going to apply for a job this morning at 8. It is 8:45 and he is still sleeping. After I went to bed last night, Kyle told Brad he was going to move out and live with a Mormon family. He thinks we are being hard on him. I don't think we are expecting too much. All we want him to do is work. It isn't normal for a 19 year old to be doing nothing. Most 19 year olds are in school or working. I really don't think any family regardless of religion will think it is okay to not be doing anything. I am very tempted in calling someone at his church and finding out what is up with the mission.
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